McAfee Data Protection and Encryption

Safeguard your confidential information against unauthorized access with the best offered customized solutions of Unified for McAfee Data Protection and Encryption.
Our expertise Encryption solutions safeguard the personal information of an employee, while enhancing the productivity and the experience of the user.

McAfee Data Protection and Encryption

The McAfee Complete Data Protection suite protects your data using a combination of powerful enterprise-grade endpoint encryption and access control. The suite helps you establish and enforce a data protection policy and centralizes data security management using the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) management console. This suite optionally includes management of native encryption for encryption native to Mac and Microsoft Windows PCs*. Additionally, McAfee ePO Deep Command provides remote security management to access Intel vPro-based PCs to implement patches, reset passwords, and remediate broken endpoints..
McAfee Complete Data Protection suite offers drive encryption, file & removable media protection, management of native encryption, and ePO Deep Command.



Unified IT Services Pvt.Ltd.
#601, PSR Prime Tower,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500032,
Telangana, India.
040-66134555 / 040-66134666

New Delhi

Unified IT Services Pvt.Ltd.
#1899, First Floor,
Uday Chand Marg, Kotla Mubarakpur,
New Delhi- 110049, India.